Pain Relief for Dogs
Nobody wants to see their pooch in pain. Comfort your pup with our extensive range of safe and effective pain reliefs for dogs, including prescription pain relief tablets (coming soon), chewables, liquids, injectables and more
Convenient access to pain relief for dogs
As a pet owner, seeing your pup unwell or in pain never feels good. Pain can be caused by a range of chronic and acute health conditions, such as dog arthritis or certain skin conditions, but with the right pain relief, your pooch can live a happy and healthy life.
Coming soon: We will stock a range of safe and effective prescription pain relief medications for dogs, including tablets, chewables, liquids and injectables. To get access, all you need to do is upload a written prescription from your vet, or use our eScript service to have a script issued online.
What can you give a dog for pain relief
Seeing your pal suddenly ill or in pain makes us want to do something about it immediately. You may be tempted to buy over-the-counter medications made for humans, or to reach for something in your medicine cabinet. Don’t. The medication may not be suitable for your dog's condition, and if given in wrong dosages, could be deadly.
You should never give NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen to your pet without the supervision or advice of your vet. Nor should you ever give your dog medicine that has been prescribed to another dog. Make sure to only give your pal pain relief that’s specifically been prescribed to them.
Spot the signs and take action
Unlike humans, your dog is unable to vocalise their pain, so it’s important to know the signs. Some signs that indicate your dog is in pain include:
- Becoming quiet, less active or hiding
- Limping or not wanting to walk
- Refusing food and treats
- Crying out, yelping or growling
- Becoming grumpy or snapping at you
- Being sensitive to touch or refusing normal handling
If you suspect your dog is in pain, it’s crucial to seek medical attention from your vet as soon as possible. Never leave any infections untreated, as chances are they could spread to other areas of your pet’s body.
Your dog relies on you more than anyone else in the world. Make sure they’re happy and at ease with the right pain medication.